1 Bed, 7 Completely Different Looks Inspired by Art
Designing your space is an ongoing process, but we’re here to give you a little inspiration along the way. Today on the Great Indoors, we’re sharing some of the (many) ways to style one bed.
It’s no secret that we’re art lovers at Dove and Donkey, so naturally, we used some of our favorite art pieces to inspire each style, playing upon the colors and textures of thew artwork and decor alike to create spaces that feel timeless but modern. (No, we’re not condoning the matching of art to the interior— we just love to find comparisons between the two!).
Versatility and curation are two central tenets of our design process here at Dove and Donkey. Homes are rarely static, so we believe in creating pieces that will work in your space, regardless of whether your tastes, ideas or even your physical home changes. In the combinations below, we’re showing a few examples of what this can look like: same room, same bed (save for the finish), totally different vibes.
So, explore below and let us know: which style is your favorite? Does artwork influence your own design choices? (We’re a little biased but we’re guessing that if you’ve landed here, you’ve got good taste and we’d love to hear your ideas too!).
The Dreamer–
Caribbean Vibe–
The Beach Lover –
The Nature Lover –
The Colorist–
The Modernist–
The Urban Birdwatcher –
Thanks for following along! We hope you love these as much as we do.